Excerpts For Creatives
Share your talents with the world.
One of my last conversations with my mom included lots of “why’s?”, laughs, and tears. That conversation led to the most important lesson. “Share your talents with the world”. I knew what she meant, it didn’t need much more explanation, but I love my mothers voice. Don’t hold your blessings, talents, and or purpose hostage.Call it what you want. Don't be selfish, don’t be scared, you are the medium which said gift speaks through. So why aren't you shouting from the mountain top?
Take your time in all endeavors. Seriously there is no rush. What is for you is for you. (A think piece). Socials have conditioned society into believing Rome was built in a day. That is all.
Nothing will ever be perfect. There is always something that could have been done better. This isn’t an excuse for sloppy work. You know better than that. If you show up and do your best to your ability, perfection becomes less of a mindset and simply becomes an illusion.
I’ve grown to hate this word and how it's applied to creativity. You can start to hate what you are “passionate” about and that emotion does become very controllable.
Step Away.
Once it feels like work, step away. Take a break, discover new interests, reflect on your journey, be human and then come back when you are ready or if you choose to, don't.